As the world of politics appears more dire and problematic each year, it is difficult to stay positive. A 'Cluedo' style board game, which satirically targets arguably one of the world's most hated men: Donald Trump. This adds humour to an existing and woeful political world.
Who Killed Trump?

A caricaturist style which toys the line between cartoonish and iconic was used for the illustrations of the suspects. The back design features a question mark formed of an American flag, and Trump's iconic red tie. Each suspect is a famous face associated with Trump, with a motive to kill him. Matching figurines were designed from polymer clay in a minimalist style.
Suspect Cards
All locations are places within the Whitehouse; the 'Secret Warehouse' and 'Private Golf Fields' jovially referencing fears of nuclear war and Trump’s love of Golf.
The Game Board
Each weapon references aspects of American culture: the flag, an AK47 rifle and Mug each respectively referencing patriotism, gun culture and Trump’s narcissism.